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Why does BatteryShip have my battery under a different part number - Why are some batteries displayed with several part numbers on your site Many customers found their part on BatteryShip.com's website, but when they compare part numbers with their original parts, they found a mismatch. The reason you find a different part number (or several) is that some manufacturers will change the part number on the same product periodically. This is based on the date of manufacture, the factory, and country that makes it, and other reasons beyond our control. IBM and Compaq are notorious for changing part numbers frequently. We pride ourselves on being completely accurate with our descriptions and will do our best to insure the accuracy of the part you need regardless of how it is listed on our page. More Battery Answers |
All offers and prices are subject to change without notice. Privacy Policy All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The listed brand names and model designations are intended only to show the compatibility of these products with various machines. Neither BatteryShip Inc nor BatteryShip.com are affiliated with the original manufacturers of any of these batteries or chargers. All products on this page are generic, aftermarket, replacement parts. |